Monday 24 December 2012

Daily Devotional with Pastor E.A Adeboye

                                                   PRODUCERS OF GLORY

MEMORISE: The wise shall inherit glory; but shame shad be the promotion of fools. (Proverbs 3:35)

READ: 1 Samuel 17:49-52

Glory is the opposite of shame, reproach, defeat, failure, bondage, sorrow and the likes. Proverbs 3:35 says:

The wise shall inherit glory:

A glory producer is the one who removes anything that is anti-glory such as shame, reproach, etc. When Samuel was born, the long standing shame, sorrow and reproach that had attended to Hannah his mother was removed (1 Samuel 1:1-7; 2:1). This means that the birth of a child or idea can take away shame. In the name of Jesus Christ, that child or idea that needs to be born to reverse your negative situation shall come forth this season. Another glory producer was David. Until he showed up, the nation of Israel was heavily reproached by Goliath. But when David came to the fore, he challenged the giant, knocked him down and cut off his head so that in place of reproach, there was joy, freedom and jubilation (1 Samuel 17:22-26). !s your family or church under the reproach of the enemy? In the name of Jesus, the David that will be the instrument to take away that reproach shall surface this season.

Also, a glory producer is someone like Joshua who removed failure caused by his predecessor (Joshua 1:1-6). Moses brought the people of Israel out of Egypt but could not take them into the Promised Land, but his successor Joshua did. Have you been failing repeatedly in times past? In the name of Jesus, that failure is replaced with success today. Another glory producer is a man like Gideon - a defeat remover (Judges 6:1-6). He defeated the Midianites that had earlier deprived Israel from eating the fruit of their labour. Has any force or power been preventing you from eating the fruit of your labour? It shall be paralysed today in Jesus name. The Lord shall surround you with glory producers and take away every reproach, shame, defeat, failure and sorrow from your life. You shall be celebrated. From this season, you too shall be a glory producer. The Lord will use you to take away defeat, sorrow, retrogression and shame. The Lord will put you at the centre of people's testimonies. It is well with you!

Father, as You used David to remove the reproach of Israel, use me to remove the reproach of my family, church, community and nation.

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