Saturday 2 February 2013

Daily Devotional with Pastor W.F Kumuyi

                      Preservation Of The Righteous

TEXT: ACTS 9:23-31

Key verse: “And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him” (Acts 9:23).

History is replete with accounts of   how the righteous have triumphed over evil plots by perceived enemies. Martin Luther was a rising star in the Catholic church establishment. He was a Reverend Father who held a doctorate degree in Theology. He was targeted to fill the leadership position in the church during his period.
    In a thesis, Martin Luther painstainkingly tore down all the doctrines that had held both the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire together for centuries. The church ex-communicated him, and the Pope declared him a persona-non grata. It was merely a matter of time before he was arrested and burnt at the stake. But God preserved his life. He went on to champion the birth of the Protestant church which many of us are now benefitting from.
    The life of Apostle Paul was a reflection of that of Martin Luther. He was a doctor of Law in the Jewish religion. He was the rising star in the firmament of the Jewish religion. But when he came in contact with Jesus Christ, and was given a mandate to witness for Him, his life was transformed. From that point,  Apostle Paul was a target for destruction by the fanatical Jewish zealots. Numerous examples of intense persecutions Paul faced in the hands of this group are simply mind-boggling.
     Through Paul, the Holy Spirit declared that all who would live  godly life in Christ will suffer persecutions. However, God’s promise to deliver His own can never fail.  Invariably, the flames of the enemies will turn out as the elixir of greatness to the righteous who affirm like him that “…none of these things move me.”

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “God is the rock and the hiding place of the righteous”

*This devotional was originally written by Daily Manna.For all inquiries please visit



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